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JISULIFE FA13P Rechargeable Desk Fan 8000mAh- Green Color


বিক্রেতা : power bd

এভেইল্যাবল স্টক: 0

JISULIFE FA13P Rechargeable Extendable Desk Fan Price In Bangladesh


Tired of being hot and sweaty all the time?

Check out our newest fan, the JISULIFE FA13P 8000mAh 5 Speeds Auto-Oscillation Extendable Desk Fan! It’s perfect for keeping you cool and comfortable during those hot summer months. Plus, it has a long-life battery so you can use it for up to 28 hours!

Not only does this fan have a strong wind that reaches 8 meters away, but it also has a timer setting so you can choose how long you want it to run. And if that wasn’t enough, it also comes with a type-C USB 2.0 fast charge – so you can charge your phone while you stay cool!

Purchase the JISULIFE FA13P Extendable Desk Fan today on our website.


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