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Beautiful handsewn cross stitched vorat worked double bed sized bedsheet


বিক্রেতা : ARMA Store

এভেইল্যাবল স্টক: 0

This is a handcrafted beautiful sky-colored king-sized bedsheet. It comes with two standard-sized pillow covers and two cushion covers. Its sewn by our Bangladeshi local girls which is named cross-stitched vorat work. It's 100% color guaranteed and 100% fine cotton. You can use and wash casually..


This is a handcrafted beautiful sky-colored king-sized bedsheet. It comes with two standard-sized pillow covers and two cushion covers. Its sewn by our Bangladeshi local girls which is named cross-stitched vorat work. It's 100% color guaranteed and 100% fine cotton. You can use and wash casually..


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